Today we’re going to talk about a common practice in classrooms called “think, pair, share”, and what may be some of the pitfalls with a pair-share. So “think, pair, share” is a routine that we use all the time, the teacher asks the question, students think about the question first, then they partner together, and share their answer.
There are a lot of pitfalls that can happen with this process. One of them is, we can experience a lot of downtime in the classroom. Another problem that occurs in your share is his students don’t necessarily use the academic language you want them to for the content that you’re teaching. Another pitfall can be the kids don’t really increase the habits they need for really proper speaking and listening skills. Finally, you can have partners where one student totally dominates the conversation, and then the other partner doesn’t even get the opportunity to share their thinking. Imagine how that makes your students feel.
Over the next series of videos we’re going to share some tips and strategies on how to really decrease those pitfalls in your classroom, and to raise achievement for your students through a practice called Purposeful Partners. When you can establish purposeful partners, your kids will be more engaged in the classroom. They’ll be able to own the language that they need to, for the concepts that you’re teaching. You will be able to really raise the level of learning that’s happening in the classroom, and don’t we all want that.
So if you like this video please hit that like button and make sure you subscribe to our channel so that you can get those tips and strategies you need on how to increase purposeful partnerships in your classroom.